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Programs by Topic: Filmmakers Ink

film programs staples high school westport ct

Join the 20th year of Filmmakers Ink summer programs!

Take a deep dive into filmmaking. Guided by Filmmakers Ink professionals, our young filmmakers learn by doing as they develop the key creative and technical skills required for exceptional filmmaking. Filmmakers Ink programs are designed to give students solid lifelong hacks with which to access, express, and develop their creative ideas and then turn them into movies.


Under the leadership of award-winning actor and filmmaker Patrick McCullough, Filmmakers Ink has set itself apart from other film camps by focusing on the most challenging part of the process: how to come up with and develop good ideas for great films. Visit www.Filmmakers-Ink.com. For more details, contact Patrick McCullough, (203) 307-2672 Patrick@Filmmakers-Ink.com. Enrollment is limited. Register early!


Combination Packages

Filmmaking or Acting and Editing Full Day Programs; 2 weeks: $1295

Artists Create with Filmmaking or Acting Workshop, 2 weeks: $1295

Special FX Filmmaking and Stop Motion Animation, 1 week: $695

Artists Create with Special FX Filmmaking or Stop Motion Animation/Both: $1095/$1295


If you want to register for a combination package, please contact Westport Continuing Education at 203-341-1207 or conted@westportps.org.